What is interesting is that as a 'Frog' j'ai toujours adorer notre histoire. Always loved our history, I do think it is better inspiration than any other country's history or culture for a fantasy world. Mine is purely inspired by Japan, Scotland, Rome and most of all France.

I'm so glad you're getting to enjoy the greatest country in all of Europe. J'espere que tu arrete au moins par St-Denis et planifie visiter aussi Chinon.

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Sep 20Liked by The Rake

Indeed, the French have been so inculcated from birth with self hatred that they’re almost universally incapable of appreciating their own greatness and have never learned their own history except the anecdotes they can use to justify how horrible they actually are. The ones who do admire their own past are usually too busy grumbling about being surpassed by the Anglo to imagine and future return to greatness.

If you’ve not read it yet, Norwich’s France: A History is the best treatment I’ve come across, although he unfortunately stops short at WW2. Venner’s Un Samouraï d’Occident is also worth picking up, and I imagine his histories are worthwhile as well.

En tout cas, bienvenue et bonne route - content de vous avoir parmi nous !

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